29 March 2009

Sudan Weapons Convoy Attack Update

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس

Lots of news stories online...

...a Sudanese spokesman claimed that “more than 100 people” had been killed in the air raid, which he termed “a genocide, committed by U.S. forces.”

When asked how he knew the attackers were American, the spokesman said: “We don’t differentiate between the U.S. and Israel. They are all one.”

A spokesman for the United States Africa Command said U.S. forces had not attacked in Sudan. “The U.S. military has not conducted any airstrikes, fired any missiles or undertaken any combat operations in or around Sudan since October 2008, when U.S. Africa Command formally became responsible for U.S. military action in Africa,” he said.

...And from another online source:

United States officials have confirmed that Israel Air Force warplanes bombed a truck convoy in Sudan in January. The trucks were carrying arms that would be smuggled into Gaza for use against Israel, the officials said, according to a report in the New York Times.

Israel has refused to confirm or deny the attack, but Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made a statement, after the reports of the attack surfaced, that Israel has been striking at terror targets “near and far,” and warned enemies, “there is no place that Israel can't reach.”

Israel strikes terrorists “in the north and in the south... There's no need to mention details; people can use their imaginations,” Olmert said.

The American officials said Israel hit the convoy in order to prevent weapons from reaching Gaza during Operation Cast Lead.

The Times describes the sources as two American officials “who are privy to classified intelligence assessments.” The sources said that Iran had been involved in the effort to smuggle weapons to Gaza. According to intelligence reports, they added, an agent for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards was in Sudan, coordinating the smuggling operation.

Iran funds, arms and trains two proxy armies on Israel’s borders: Hizbullah in the north and Hamas in the south.

...Of course we are dealing with the Sudanese, so they really have their finger on the pulse...

...According to foreign news sources, The Israel Air Force (IAF) bombed Iranian-funded weapons convoys in Sudan three times since mid-January not far from the border with Egypt and in the Red Sea.

Sudan was not aware of the first strike until after the second aerial bombardment, according to the Arabic-language Al Jazeera satellite television network. "We didn't know about the first attack until after the second one. They were in an area close to the border with Egypt, a remote area, desert, with no towns, no people,” a Sudanese foreign ministry official said.

ABC followed up with a report Friday night that Israel carried out three aerial bombings, basing its information on comments made by an unnamed United States official.

Sudanese officials added that one strike sank a ship in the Red Sea that was loaded with weapons; Hamas smuggles by sea as well as through smuggling tunnels under the Egyptian-Gaza border.

Thirty-nine people reportedly were killed in the aerial strikes, the first of which took place January 27, slightly more than a week after the end of Operation Cast Lead. A second strike followed on February 11, and the ship was sunk in another bombing.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said “Israel hits every place it can in order to stop terror, near and far.”

Calling them a “new Israeli crime” the Hizbullah terrorist organization, which is part of the Lebanese cabinet, urged Arab League leaders to condemn the attack when they meet in Qatar this week.

So there you have it!

We didn't do it.

3 times!

As our Prime Minister says, Use you imagination!

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