25 May 2009

Another Dry Bones Classic

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس

What used to be middle of the road Zionism, such as the unity of Jerusalem and many of the themes in "Dry Bones" are now considered to be "right wing." The Author of Dry Bones himself recently wrote the following about a 30 year old post on Jerusalem.

Today Israel is officially celebrating Jerusalem Day! Back in 1973 this cartoon was a light joke that made folks chuckle. These days it reads like a fundamentalist manifesto.

Did it make you laugh? ...or wince? ...or pound the table and shout "right on!"?

And then he continues on the with following "State of Palestine Quiz".

Gasp. Debunking Palestinian Myths? How radically right wing...

Keep up the great work Yaacov, we'll keep reading!

Hat tip Jameel

1 comment:

  1. Answers to Quiz re: Palestine

    1. Palestine was founded in “Fanaticaland” by some lost Arab dope smoking Camel Jockeys.

    2. It was in the borders of their expanded chemical minds.

    3. Its capital is next to its Hookah!

    4. Define major city, more than 1 mud hut?

    5. Nosir Ramalamdingdong.

    6. Mostly hashish inspired gibberish, long on rhetoric.

    7. Main religion was an ancient sect of non-sectarian. 1000 points of light hemp head Mongols and sexually repressed Ramhadanners.

    8. Main currency is the dung.

    9. 6/1/09 - 2 dung equals 10 Thai baths +/-

    10. When you run out of ammo and dope, the war is over. Most of the rocks are now in Israeli controlled territory.

    11. “Palestinian” fairy dancers did not want Independence because they were too dependent on anyone that would give them a handout!
