24 September 2009

IDF Women

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس

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  1. Hi, I dont have no idear enter to your blog, it is a blog and you get more traffic, I always visit it
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    could my blog to your friend list or any part of your blog
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  2. 9Movies- My bloglinks are automatic. As soon as you link to my blog, I start linking back.

  3. Here is one from Canada :


  4. As I said in a previous comment under a different post I love this site and strongly support the Jewish State. I've added you to my blogroll at TOTUS and now adding you to my blogroll at Guns and Bikinis>

  5. Hi DT,
    I see you're still enjoying IDF women... but please take a minute to answer an important question for me, because I am very concerned: what are Iran's missile capabilities? I think they have the S300 family of Russian missiles, but I don't know if they have others as well. I want to know the destruction capability (in area, and in human terms) that each of these missiles could cause. I have been unable to find details on Wikipedia or other sites, but I am sure you must know the answer.
    Thanks very much.

  6. Jacqueline-
    I'll post the answer to this separately... Stay tuned.

  7. OK DT. Thanks, and I'll check back.
