12 September 2010

Godspeed Major General Israel Tal

  Israel Tal, a decorated war hero and the creator of Israel's renowned "Merkava" tank, died in Rehovot Israel on Wednesday. He was age 86.

Born in the small Zionist settlement of Beer Tuvia in Palestine in 1924, General Tal, also known as Talik, fought in the British Army’s Jewish Brigade as a teen in World War II, later he helped lay the foundations of the IDF and held a series of important posts in the course of an illustrious military career, leaving the IDF as deputy chief of staff.   He will be laid to rest on Sunday. He is survived by his wife, Chagit, a daughter, Pnina; a son, Yair; and several grandchildren.

He is considered one of the best five armor commanders in history, alongside U.S. Gen. George S. Patton, Gen. Creighton Abrams, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel and Israeli Maj. Gen. Moshe Peled, according to the Patton Museum in Fort Knox Kentucky, where he is commemorated.

Tal oversaw the design of the Merkava tank _ Hebrew for "chariot" _ which is widely seen as one of the best Tanks of its time. The Merkava Tank was created to ensure the safety of its crew by placing the engine at the front, allowing crew and medics to enter and exit from behind, even under fire.

The Merkava Tank was also developed for Israeli terrain, particularly specializing in long-range fire, according to the Armor Museum. The Merkava Tank entered combat in the 1980s.

Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, the forum of the general staff, senior commanders, regular and reserve soldiers all saluted Tal for his work, legacy, and contribution to the security of Israel over the many years.

"The image of a legendary warrior and commander, who helped lay the foundations of the IDF armored corp and developed the Merkava tank, one of the world's best tanks, has left us this morning," Ashkenazi said. "Talik, as everyone called him, belonged to the founding generation of the IDF, in which the security of the state of Israel, protecting its borders and the peace of its citizens was his objective from the beginning of his lifetime to his last day," explained the chief of staff. "Talik wrote the golden pages of the magnificent, but bloody, history of Israeli security. His personal and unique contribution to the defense of Israel cannot be measured. May his memory be blessed."

Tal, known to foreign experts as "Mr. Armor," was the seventh commander of the IDF armored corps between the years of 1964 and 1969.

Tal's mastery of long-range tank fire tactics are widely seen as key to the Israeli break through of the Egyptian Suez Canal on the Sinai peninsula during the 1967 Six Day war where he served as an armored division commander. In 1972, he was called to service by then chief of general staff David Elazar to serve as head of the military operations branch and as deputy chief of staff. He became the commander of the southern front during the surprise Egyptian and Syrian attack against in the 1973 Yom Kippur war. In 1974, he finished his military service and served as a security consultant to Shimon Peres. In 1978, Tal returned to service and developed a new organizational plan, the establishment of a field forces command.

Tal was named one of the top five armored commanders in history at The Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor in Fort Knox, Kentucky, along with IDF Maj.-Gen. Moshe Peled, US General George S. Patton, US Gen. Creighton Abrams and German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس

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1 comment:

  1. The man who designed the Merkava must have been a genius the likes of Newton and Einstein. You have no idea how often I wish I could have traded my Bradley for a Merkava.
