30 January 2011

IDF Fields Merkava Tanks with M339 Kalanit 120mm Multi-Purpose round

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Armored Corps were recently equipped with Israel Military Industry's (IMI) new High Explosive Multi-Purpose (HE-MP) M339 tank round (Hebrew: Kalanit).

The unique, state-of-the-art tank round is designed for the Merkava Mk3 and Mk4 and worldwide Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) equipped with 120mm smooth bore guns.

The new High Explosive Multi-Purpose (HE-MP) M339 tank round is based on the knowledge, experience and successful implementation of IMI's 105mm APAM-MP-T M117/1 tank round which has been in use and combat proven by the IDF in recent years.

The newly developed tank round is based on the perception of using one kind of round against a wide range of targets and scenarios in the modern battlefield, ultimately decreasing the different kinds of tank rounds used before.

The fuse of the tank round is programmable after it is loaded in the chamber, enabling tank crewmen increased capability in both handling and in accomplishing their goals in all combat scenarios- against fortifications, urban structures, Light Armored Vehicles (LAVs), as well as, anti-tank and ambush infantry squads.

When used against fortified structures or bunkers, the round effectively penetrates the obstacle before detonating, scattering thousands of deadly fragments inside.

The M339, which is referred to by the IDF as the "Kalanit", has recently undergone successful field trials and has proven to be an important advantage for the Armored Corps in fulfilling their missions in the protection of the Israeli settlements around Gaza as it provides efficient and accurate hit capabilities, while significantly minimizing collateral damage.

120mm HE-MP-T, M339 Cartridge

• 120mm HE Multi Purpose M339 Cartridge
• Extremely effective against LAVs, bunkers and field fortification
and incapacitate infantry (especially Anti-tank squads - Ambush)
• Used for MOUT and asymmetric threats
• Excellent accuracy.
• Highly lethal against dismounted infantry.
• Long range disengagement.
• Programmable, multifunctional fuse with 3 modes of operation:
- Impact PDD – Point Detonation Delayed
- Impact PD – Point Detonation Super Quick
- Air Burst - AB
• Compatible with NATO 120-mm smooth bore tank guns,
L-44 and L-55.

Video of IMI's Tank round in action

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس

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