05 January 2011

TSA Chief: Fondling works, profiling's for dorks.


"I like to grab them like this."

You might remember a few weeks back I wrote about the virtues of Israeli-style airport security - multi-layered, increasing suspicion levels, and the like. The US experts who extoll Israeli security obviously know about the scalability issues (how to apply it to many larger US airports), and they still love the system. In fact, Israeli security is only a mindset, and very little infrastructure is needed. So to scale up a mindset requires only the will to do so.

The TSA hath not the will. Their desire is to grope genitals, and fondle breasts. Their desire is to get their jollies by watching and keeping x-ray pictures of nude flyers. Their desire is to nick stuff during these vulnerable moments of the security checks. Their desire is to strong-arm whistle-blowing pilots and confiscate their firearms. Their desire is to tackle a rape-victim with a pacemaker for refusing to be fondled. Their desire is to strip-search young boys.

Janet '364-days-a-year' Napolitano wants to grope you until the cows come home. That's TSA security for ya.

"Would you like me to check your prostate while I'm here?"

Here are some quotes from the article on Napolitano's visit to Israel:

US Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano came to Israel this week. Criticism has mounted against US airport security methods, especially full-body scans, as overly invasive. There have also been calls to adopt Israeli-style security methods, which are based on identifying suspicious behavior among passengers.

Napolitano said during an interview Wednesday that methods suitable for a small country like Israel would not necessarily work for the world's largest superpower.

The head of security at Ben-Gurion gave Napolitano a tour of his airport's system and a "comprehensive briefing" on Israeli airport security that "covered the spectrum from intelligence to the perimeter security of the airport to checkpoint screening and everything in between," according to a Homeland Security official.

During an interview with Fox News following a tour of Ben Gurion International Airport, Napolitano noted, there are many differences between the American and Israeli systems, one of which is the sheer size of the security apparatus. She said that what worked in Israel, a country of some 7 million citizens, would not necessarily work in a country of some 310 million.

  • Israeli aviation security is world renowned for effectiveness. 
  • USA aviation security is best known the silly t-shirts and spoofs on late night TV.

  • Israeli aviation security uses a multi-layered approach that is under the auspices if a single agency. 
  • USA aviation security is managed by seven different agencies and departments.

  • Israeli aviation security utilizes innovative technology to augment the highly trained security staff.  
  • USA aviation security relies on ineffective and intrusive technology and the outcome is that poorly trained TSA personnel invades your privacy, steals your belongings, and lets loaded firearms through.

  • Israeli aviation security regularly uses profiling to effectively single out and remove threats.  
  • USA aviation security is so politically correct that they would prefer to fondle, grope, and molest law abiding citizens rather than ask a someone who looks suspicious a few extra questions.

Benjamin Franklin once said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Amen, Ben.

[written by Yishai from Digital Irony]

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  1. And I'd bet she never flies on a plane where the passengers were screened by the TSA. Probably takes a private jet or train everywhere.

  2. Heh. Well, like Obama said, "These new TSA regulations affect all of us."

    Heh, really?

  3. Security in US Airports is managed by the lame, sick and lazy in society who are thrilled to get a minimum wage government job and a uniform - with authority thrown in as a kicker.

    TSA is a joke. Their personnel selection process more or less takes welfare recipients off the dole and puts them to work.

    Everybody knows it and that's why people make fun of it.

  4. The US Dept. of Homeland Security are the 21st century version of the Keystone Cops, and Big Sis is the new Buster Keaton.
