16 February 2011

Beating the drums of war - Iran moving two warships to the Suez canal

Update [2/17 4:45p.m]: Egypt: Iran warships won’t pass through Suez Canal... for now.

In what is a clear provocation to Israel, and a big F-U to Obama, Iran is sending two warships to the Suez canal. Looking at a map of the area, it is clear that there is absolutely no reason for Iran to be transiting the canal, and flirting with starting a war in order to "hang out" in Syria (which Iran's official reason for doing this).

Sources and quotes below. Obama is supposedly "aware" of the issue, but no additional words have been said about it by his administration. Remember that Egypt started the 1956 Sinai war by closing the Suez Canal.
[Ynet] Israel: Iranian Warships in Med are a 'Serious Provocation'

Israel is "closely monitoring" Iranian plans to deploy warships in the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, Israeli security officials told daily newspaper Yediot Aharonot Monday.

Iranian officials have announced plans to deploy warships to areas near Israel and to dock at a Syrian port for a year. Such a move would be a "serious provocation," a senior official said. There is no justification for Iran to deploy its battleships to the Mediterranea Sea, he said, and if it does so, Israel will view the move as "a change in the situation" and "Israel will know how to deal with it."

Iranian warships are now deployed in Bab el-Mandeb in the Indian Ocean, as part of international efforts to combat piracy, the paper reported. It cited Western intelligence officials who said that Iranian warships in the Red Sea could supply radical Islamic groups from Yemen with weapons.
[Fox News] Israel Warns It Might Act on Iranian Warships Passing Through Suez Canal
Israel is monitoring two Iranian warships about to pass through the Suez Canal for Syria and warn they might act.
The Israeli Navy will be tracking the two warships as they cross the Suez Canal for the Mediterranean Sea, according to defense officials.
Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in a statement that it had alerted "friendly nations" about the warships, Reuters reports.
Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman says that "Israel cannot ignore these provocations," according to ynetnews.com.
"Unfortunately, the international community is not ready to deal with Iran's repeated provocations," Lieberman said, according to the Jerusalem Post.
Lieberman added that the warships were "a provocation that proves Iran's nerve and self-esteem is growing from day to day."
The Egyptian body that runs the Suez Canal denied the claim.
Ahmed el-Manakhli, head of the canal operations room, said warships must get permission 48 hours before crossing, and "so far, we have not been notified."
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in an e-mailed statement that "Israel is closely following the movements of the Iranian ships and has updated friendly states on the issue. Israel will continue to follow the ships movements."
Meanwhile, Iran has announced plans to deploy warships near Israel and dock at a Syrian port for a year, IsraelNationalNews.com reports.
A senior Israeli official tells the site that "Israel will know how to deal with it."
Intelligence officials believe that the Iranian warships might be involved in supplying radical Islamic groups in Yemen with weapons, according to UPI.com.
In Washington, the Pentagon declined to comment.
There are all kinds of accidents that could happen to Iran's Boats when they reach the Mediterranean Sea

[Redstate.com] Israel Survival Updates — 16 February 2011 — Across the board, a gauntlet.
Translation: Iran is already a major presence at the junction of the Red Sea and The Gulf Of Aden. Their nation is on The Persian Gulf and The Gulf Of Oman.

Now, they’ll be in The Med.
If you’re not understanding, maybe this will help in plain English: Do you realize that the Muslims are moving to close off all waterborne access to the entire region in order to take out Israel, shut down Europe, cripple America and more ?

They’ve been planning for decades. The ‘go’ moment has begun.
[Debka] Two Iranian warships transit Suez for Syria, tighten siege on Israel
Their passage was termed "a provocation" by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. And in Beirut, Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah said he was looking forward to Israel going to war on Lebanon because then his men would capture Galilee.
[Ynet] Bibi to Nasrallah: Stay in your bunker
While delivering his English-language speech to American Jewish leaders, Netanyahu switched to Hebrew, saying: "Anyone who's hiding in a bunker should stay in the bunker."

"Nobody should doubt Israel's or our ability to defend ourselves," the prime minister added. "We have a powerful army. We want peace with all our neighbors, yet the IDF is prepared to powerfully defend Israel against all our enemies."

تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس

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  1. D.T.- I really wish we could help you out, but you're on your own until January 2013.

    Good luck to you and the ONLY worthwhile country over there.

  2. Looks like a great time to try out those subs. It'll be nice to know just what their (Iranian) ASW capabilities are. Of course you can guess at what their overall combat readiness is. After a short sea cruise, they'll be "parked" for a year.

  3. It's so cute that iran wants to play battle ship. I'm sure you could ask the Lithuanians nicely and they could take care of that. Any IDF action against them would be complete overkill.

  4. I have been commenting on a certain gun forum about the peril that has been caused by Egypts so far fairly bloodless revolution. Mostlymy thought on the threat that comes with a new government and what it does with the canal. This will only add so much more fuel to the fire of the potential for world war.

    Stay safe and well armed,
    Glenn B
