25 March 2011

Busy Week in Israel


Friday Morning: IDF Home Front Command and IDF Medical Corps delegation prepare to depart for Japan

The delegation consists of around fifty soldiers and officers including logistics teams, experts in the field of population management, Japanese translators, experts from the Committee of Atomic Energy, fourteen doctors specializing in different fields, seven nurses and nine paramedics. The teams will assist Japan's rehabilitation efforts by providing various medical services and establishing a medical center manned by the IDF Home Front Command and IDF Medical Corps specialists.

Heading the delegation is Commander of the IDF Home Front Command Search and Rescue Unit, Brig. Gen. (Res.) Shalom Ben-Ari.

Heading the delegation’s medical team is deputy to the Chief Medical Officer, Col. Dr. Ofir Cohen-Marom.

Friday Morning: 6 more rockets hit the Eshkol Region surrounding Gaza last night.

Thursday Evening: At about 8:40 PM this evening, a combined IDF Air and Naval assault commenced on Gaza. Loud explosions can be heard from Gaza...

Thursday  5:35 PM Intelligence warnings of imminent rocket attacks on Southern Israel.

Thursday  5:34 PM An elderly woman from Ashdod died earlier today from a heart attack -- due to the the shock of hearing the aid raid siren of the rocket attack (or perhaps the sound of the rocket's explosion).

Thursday  5:21 PM - Gaza Rocket hits Sederot. No reports of injuries.

Thursday  3:49 PM Reports of  air raid warnings around South-Central Israel

Thursday  3:42 PM Additional mortar attack on Eshkol region next to Gaza.
Name released for publication: British tourist, Mary-Jane Gardner killed yesterday by Arab Terrorist bomb attack in Jerusalem.

2:57 PM
Air Raid Sirens go off in Central Israel; Yavneh, Gedera, Rishon LeZion, Ashdod.

Thursday  2:58 PM Rocket lands South of Rishon LeZion...exact location still classified. Additional rocket launched towards Ashdod.

 More Pictures Here

Wednesday  4:41 PM Multiple wounded currently undergoing surgery - all with shrapnel injuries.

Wednesday  4:38 PM Kiosk (newsstand) owner near bus stop called police to report suspicious object at the bus stop. While on the phone with the police the bomb exploded.

Wednesday  4:31 PM Bomb was approximately 4 pounds (1-2 Kilos) and filled with shrapnel.

Wednesday  4:01 PM Unconfirmed reports of at least 3 dead.

Wednesday  3:55PM Police say it was not a suicide bomber. Bomb was apparently placed in the bus stop.

Wednesday  3:38PM More wounded found 200 meters from blast site.

Jewish driver shot at 12:30PM near Revava in the Shomron. (YNET says that dead body was found in Revava).

Unconfirmed report that it was a bomb in the bus stop. Trying to confirm this.

Wednesday  3:21PM Around 15 minutes ago a bus exploded in front of Binyanei HaUma (Jerusalem Convention Center).

30 people wounded.

Medical personnel being evacuated due to threat of additional bomb on site.

Phone lines have crashed around the country (but seem to be up again).

IDF Southern Command have places South at highest alert level. Barrage of rocket attacks expected.

Police concerned that a suspected second bomber is walking around the area.

Police checking all cars parked there for additional bombs.

Wednesday  7:22 AM Police and IDF Homefront Command have ordered Be'er Sheva residents to move to secured areas (bomb shelters, etc) due to additional/possible imminent rocket attacks.
Wednesday  7:19 AM Due to the GRAD rocket attack on Be'er Sheva, all schools in the Be'er Sheva region are canceled, except for Ben-Gurion University.
Wednesday  6:22 AM Hamas launches GRAD rocket at Be'er Sheva, the capital of South-Central Israel. One moderately wounded. Indications of additional rocket launches continue...

Wednesday  12:43 AM Air Raid Sirens sound in Ashkelon and Ashdod, as Hamas rockets land in the Ashkelon area. No physical injuires or damage reported. Two treated shock in the Ashdod area.

IDF Air Force retaliating and Palestinian Sources in Gaza report of a huge explosion in Gaza city.
Hat tip Jameel's Place

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  1. The size of the Israeli medical mission to Japan dwarfs the medical missions from China and Korea, Japan's next-door-neighbors. I'm not sure, but I think the only other medical mission larger than Israel's is from the US. I don't expect the UN to pass a resolution praising Israel for this mission.

  2. Update: While the Israeli medical mission of about 50 people is already up and running in Japan, Korea has sent at total of about 5 people and 2 dogs as their aid mission to Japan. China wanted to sent a mission from their armed forces, but Japan declined since it doesn't want Chinese military snooping. Let us hope that Japan finally sees the light and recognizes they have more affinity with Israel than with some of their neighbors. The combined brainpower of Israel and Japan can do great things together.
