20 November 2012

Day 7 of the Gaza War 20-Nov-2012

Day 7 of the Gaza War 20-Nov-2012

Hear every single air raid during the war -- at IDF Public Radio, Gal-Galatz 91.8 FM in Israel or here on the web: http://rr-d.nsacdn.com/radio/glz/glglzradio/300/200

Hamas has been targeting the Israeli Home Front since 2001, and firing rockets on a near-daily basis for years.

10:29 PM Ehud Yaari (channel 2) TV: Israel has  bombed Rafiah (South Gaza) and it is going up in flames.  The damage to  Rafiach's gas terminal is in the tens of millions of dollars -- this has  shocked the Hamas to its core.

 Yaari says that the Palestinian  Parliament building which was built for 10 millions dollars has been  totally bombed and destroyed less than an hour ago -- a strong and  humiliating blow for Hamas.

10:02 PM Furious residents of Ashdod  demonstrating against possible cease fire. Residents call on government  to start ground incursion and destroy the Hamas.

9:55 PM Israelis demonstrate outside minister  avi dichter's home: Destroy the Hamas. Let the IDF go into Gaza and  permanently stop the rockets!!!

9:20 PM 20 terror sites in Gaza hit in the last hour. Reports that Abu Ahmir Darmush killed. (Army of Islam, who kidnapped and held BBC reporter Alan Johnston in 2007)

9:05 PM At this point 56,000 reserve soldiers have been called up to military duty.

8:25 PM A female driver was shot near the Husan bypass near Beitar Ilit in a drive-by shooting. Medical forces are treating her on site, but she is in serious condition. UPDATE: Injuries caused by rock attack, not shooting.

8:00 PM Permitted for release: Reserve soldier killed by mortar fire in Eshkol region.

7:51 PM Netivot and S'de Negev now under rocket fire.

7:45PM A total of 8 rockets were fired at Be'er Sheva. 3 were shot down by the Iron Dome system.

7:33 PM  Four rockets fall in Be'er Sheva. Sirens in Be'er Tuvia, Ashkelon, Kiryat Melachi. One rocket falls in built up area, no injuries.

7:32 PM Senior Israeli sources deny that there is any agreement on a cease fire.
7:05 PM Warnings that the next few hours might see additional rocket attacks towards Central Israel and/or Jerusalem as sides discuss cease fire...

6:05 PM Sirens in Rishon, Gan Raveh, Palnachim. Reports of one wounded seriously in earlier rocket attack on Ashkelon. UPDATE: woman lightly injured from attack on building in Rishon.

5:11 PM Channel 10 TV reports: There will be a press conference at 7 PM Israel time, -- with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Egypt

5:08 PM Air Raid sirens in Eshkol region.

5:08 PM Gazans say they shot 5 rockets at IDF Navy Warship. The rockets missed. No injuries, no damage.

4:57 PM IDF attacks Gaza terrorists -- Palestinianss report 1 dead, 16 wounded.

4:55 PM Despite promises from the Hamas that everything will "be ok", Gazans swarm out of Northern Gaza, fleeing to Central Gaza in accordance with IDF flyer's request.

4:48 PM Islamic Jihad says the cease fire will start in 3 hours. (Channel 2 TV)

4:19 PM PyschOps? Al-Jazeera and Channel 10 TV reporting that IDF is dropping fliers into Gaza, warning of the upcoming IDF ground incursion....

4:13 PM Palestinians rioting in village near Gush Etzion where Hamas rocket landed. Reports of an IDF soldier lightly wounded.

4:11 PM Gaza: Reports that 6 people killed in targeted IDF strike - on 2 cars.

4:09 PM Direct hit on a Mini Market in Ashdod, 3-4 people lightly wounded.

3:56 PM Air Raid Sirens in Ashdod, Ashkelon and Sederot...

3:51 PM Israel Radio reports that there was another shooting incident from Syria at an IDF jeep in the Golan Heights, and that the tire of the jeep was damaged. No injuries. Israel has submitted a complaint to the UN which I'm sure resolve the issue.

3:48 PM Foreign Minister Avigdor Leiberman had to hang up on the Japanese Foreign Minister because of the rocket attack and Air Raid sirens in Jerusalem.

3:48 PM Air Raid sirens in Sederot.

3:45 PM Hasbara campaign: Would you be willing to live like this for one day?

3:43 PM IDF hits Gazan anti-tank team near Gaza's border with Israel.

3:29 PM 5 people lightly wounded and 10 treated for shock -- rocket landing in a community very close to Gaza.

3:28 PM Rockets - Air Raid Siren in Ashdod

3:27 PM Air Raid Sirens in Lachish area.

3:26 PM Photo of people at the Kotel running for cover during the Air Raid siren at 2:13 PM today.

3:17 PM Reports that the IDF just terminated 3 Hamas terrorists, 2 of them in Zeitun which were involved in the rocket attack on Jerusalem, and 1 in Dahaniyeh. (Both locations in Gaza strip)

3:13 PM Hamas threatens: If there is an IDF ground incursion, we will kidnap soldiers.

3:05 PM Air Raid Sirens in Beer Sheva...and other areas.

3:01 PM The Knesset Foreign Relations and Security Committee unanimously approves call-up of additional 10,000 IDF reserves soldiers -- making a total of 70,000 soldiers called up via emergency Tzav-8 call up orders.

2:45 PM Reports of massive IDF artillery attack with combined airstrikes on Gaza at this time.

2:43 PM When the Air Raid siren went off, it also went off in Maaleh Adumim (for the benifit of our Maaleh Adumim readers). The boom was heard throughout Jerusalem...and Modiin, Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh and other places as well.

2:35 PM One person very seriously wounded in Eshkol rocket attack minutes ago, one wounded lightly. IDF censor preventing release of additional information at this time.

2:32 PM Serious rocket strike in Eshkol region. Reports of wounded. Medical teams on the scene.

2:30 PM Reports that the Gazan fired rocket at Jerusalem landed in an Arab village -- will not specify location. No injuries reported.

2:13 PM Sirens in Jerusalem....had to run to a shelter. Didn't hear any booms...updates coming soon.

2:12 PM An Israeli mother shields her child during a Palestinian rocket attack in Ofakim.

2:05 PM Mohammed Deif, the Palestinian commander of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades spoke an hour ago. His main talking points:

The Israel enemy has comitted a fatal and strategic mistake by killing Ahmed Jabri
The Israeli Ground war will result in a major blow to the families of IDF soldiers.
The enemy will pay dearly for the great, disgusting act commited against Jabri the leader, and the Palestinian people of Gaza.

2:00 PM Beer Sheva Region - rocket barrage on its way. Air Raid Sirens..

1:57 PM IDF strikes a terrorist cell that was launching rockets in Gaza City.

1:48 PM Air Raid Sirens in Ofakim.

1:29 PM Direct hit on a house in Netivot, no injuries (Radio Kol Hai)

1:27 PM Reports that the Knesset Foreign Relations and Security Committee meeting now to discuss authorization for another 10,000 IDF reserve troops to be called up.

1:25 PM Air Raid Sirens in Ofakim / Negev Region

1:08 PM Channel 2 TV: Israel totally rejects idea of removing blockade around Gaza.

1:07 PM Ongoing Palestinian Riot in Hevron; Rocks being thrown at IDF soldiers, burning tires being rolled at IDF soldiers....IDF using crowd control tear gas.

12:54 PM Channel 2 Israel TV reports that the Palestinians in Gaza have rejected Israel's terms for a cease fire.

12:53 PM Air Raid Sirens in Negev Region

12:50 PM Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of being a terrorist state. He also said that Israel is transgressing international law and performing ethnic cleansing in Palestinian territories. (AFP/YNET)

12:44 PM Air Raid Sirens in Sederot. Hundreds of Palestinians rioting in Hevron, waving Hamas and Fatah flags. Throwing rocks at IDF soldiers.

12:40 PM Air Raid Sirens in Ashkelon

12:39 PM Five Palestinian terrorists killed today in Gaza by IDF (as of 12:30 PM)

12:31 PM Israeli-Druze MK Ayoub Kra: I think we must start the IDF ground incursion to finally bring quiet to the South. We can not capitulate. There is no places for weakness in the Middle East.

12:22 PM IDF attacking in Dir Al-Balach.

12:15 PM More details, the solider is a 40 year old Reserves Tank Officer, wounded by shrapnel to his chest, and was transported by helicopter to Saroka Hospital in Beer Sheva.

12:12 PM IDF Spokesman allows us to publicize: The person wounded this morning in the Eshkol region is an IDF soldier, listed by the IDF as being in "moderate" condition.

12:08 PM Air Raid Sirens in Sederot and Shaar HaNegev Region

11:56 AM Air Raid Sirens in Kiryat Melachi....

11:48 AM Israeli Government Ministers taking turns with soundbites: Yaalon; Quiet will be met with quiet. Shteinitz; We have exacted a stiff price from Hamas and they will think twice before shooting at us again.

Sounds like the cease fire is almost here...(till the next rocket fired at Israel.)

11:42 AM From the JPost: The Iron Dome system intercepted a total of 18 rockets fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip Tuesday morning, police said.

11:40 AM IDF Radio reporting the US Embassy attack was "criminal" not "nationalistic"

11:27 AM Reports that the attacker of the US Embassy may be an Israeli. Insane.

11:23 AM US Embassy Attack Update: After the Arab attacker lunged at an embassy guard with an axe, the attacker was shot in the leg by security guards. Why they didn't kill him is a mystery.

11:20 AM Reports that the person injured in rocket attack in Eshkol region this morning -- is in serious condition.

11:19 AM Update on attack near US Embassy in Tel Aviv: Arab attacked guard at US Embassy with an axe. The guard was lightly wounded in the leg. The attacker was arrested...Details later when they are available.

11:15 AM INCORRECT reports in news media of a shooting attack near the US Embassy in Tel-Aviv. There was NO shooting attack.

11:13 AM Air Raid Sirens in Eshol Region

10:41 AM IDF firing at terror cells in Nusayrat, Eastern Gaza strip.

10:33 AM Minister of Homeland Defense, MK Avi Dichter says the chances of a cease fire vs. escalation/ground incursions are equal.

10:32 AM Ashkelon and Ashdod - Air Raid Sirens...

10:28 AM Reports that 2 rockets landed in Beer Sheva in the previous attack. MDA forces responding. No known injuries as of this time.

10:22 AM Reports of a rocket landing in Beer Sheva....IDF and MDA forces responding.

10:20 AM Channel 2 TV reports that the IDF successfully executed a targeted killing in Gaza. No reports yet as to the identity of the terrorist.

10:18 AM 5 Explosions heard in Beer Sheva region; 2 rockets intercepted by Iron Dome

10:15 AM Air Raid Sirens in Ofakim and BeerSheva

10:08 AM IDF Radio changes the wounded person's status to moderate.

10:06 AM An Israeli has been seriously hurt from a rocket shrapnel in the Eshkol region, and is being evacuated by helicopter to hospital. (Channel 2)

6:00 AM - 10:00 AM Dozens and dozens of rockets are fired at Southern Israel. Many of them intercepted by Iron Dome.

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