30 May 2014

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Earlier today, Israeli security forces noticed a suspicious man wearing a large coat, walking toward the Tapuah Junction in the northern Shomron region, not far from where I live. The forces utilized an IDF Sapper Robot to search the 25 year old Arab Terrorist and found 12 pipe bombs strapped to his body. The bomb disposal unit was brought to the scene and neutralized the explosives. Forces are on alert and are searching for other members of the terror cell. The safety of Israeli civilians is under constant threat by Arab terrorists: whether by way of rocket attacks, attempted kidnappings, suicide bombings, stone throwing, shootings, stabbings and even the slaughtering of children in their sleep. My counter Terrorism unit is on alert. Pictured is an IDF Robot Sapper giving the genius Arab Terrorist a lesson on why you should check the weather forecast before you leave the house in the morning. It's 96 degrees out today. Yes that's a Robotic cavity search you are looking at! via DoubleTapper http://ift.tt/1kQHIMF

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