20 July 2014

The Muqata 9:32pm Sorry for the delay...the main points of PM Netanyahu's statement: The entire Nation of Israel is united behind the IDF...and we extend our sympathies to the families of our fallen soldiers. This war was forced upon Israel and there is no greater just war than fighting to defend one's home. The unity of the entire country to eradicate the rocket and terror tunnel threat is what gives the IDF its strength. We are hitting Hamas with great might...and our soldiers have great might of strength and of spirit. With G-d's help and the help of the IDF....we will be victorious.

9:32pm Sorry for the delay...the main points of PM Netanyahu's statement: The entire Nation of Israel is united behind the IDF...and we extend our sympathies to the families of our fallen soldiers. This war was forced upon Israel and there is no greater just war than fighting to defend one's home. The unity of the entire country to eradicate the rocket and terror tunnel threat is what gives the IDF its strength. We are hitting Hamas with great might...and our soldiers have great might of strength and of spirit. With G-d's help and the help of the IDF....we will be victorious. The Muqata Israeli Prime minister Netanyahu gave a speech this evening.

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