10 September 2014

Are you up to the "Stop Ham-Ass and ISIS Challenge"? Here are the rules: 1. Print out the ISIS/Ham-Ass flag picture. 2. Start recording your video. 3. Begin by explaining who challenged you and who you are challenging. 3. Defame the Flags (Be creative!) Don't be shy about expressing your true feelings. 4. Light it on fire. 5. Post it. Add "@DoubleTapper" to the description 6. You have 24 hours to complete the challenge and donate to the IDF Tactical Gear Upgrade Campaign (send your donation of any amount via paypal to DoubleTapper@gmail.com) 7. Check http://ift.tt/1rCMM77 to see how the Stop Ham-Ass and ISIS Challenge is going! FYI: Ham-Ass is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and is a terrorist organization who's charter requires it's members and supporters to wage Islamic Holy War (Jihad) to destroy Israel, the USA and any nation that doesn't adhere to Sunni Sharia Law. Ham-Ass is an Arabic acronym meaning "Islamic Resistance Movement". Ham-Ass was closely linked to Al-Qaeda. ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) a.k.a. IS (Islamic State) and is the successor of Al-Qaeda who's goal is to spread their version of Islam by the sword (Jihad) and convert or kill everyone.

Are you up to the "Stop Ham-Ass and ISIS Challenge"? Here are the rules: 1. Print out the ISIS/Ham-Ass flag picture. 2. Start recording your video. 3. Begin by explaining who challenged you and who you are challenging. 3. Defame the Flags (Be creative!) Don't be shy about expressing your true feelings. 4. Light it on fire. 5. Post it. Add "@DoubleTapper" to the description 6. You have 24 hours to complete the challenge and donate to the IDF Tactical Gear Upgrade Campaign (send your donation of any amount via paypal to DoubleTapper@gmail.com) 7. Check http://ift.tt/1rCMM77 to see how the Stop Ham-Ass and ISIS Challenge is going! FYI: Ham-Ass is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and is a terrorist organization who's charter requires it's members and supporters to wage Islamic Holy War (Jihad) to destroy Israel, the USA and any nation that doesn't adhere to Sunni Sharia Law. Ham-Ass is an Arabic acronym meaning "Islamic Resistance Movement". Ham-Ass was closely linked to Al-Qaeda. ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) a.k.a. IS (Islamic State) and is the successor of Al-Qaeda who's goal is to spread their version of Islam by the sword (Jihad) and convert or kill everyone. via DoubleTapper http://ift.tt/1CP1oZP

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