15 December 2014

The Ashaf or PLO flag shows the entire map of Israel (not excluding Judea, Samaria, and Gaza) in green, with two Kalashnikov AK rifles and a grenade. Underneath the drawing it reads "Fatah: the National Liberation Movement of Palestine". So it dispels the myth that the conflict between the PLO and Israel is over lands liberated in the 1967 Six Day War. In their own words it's over Israel’s very existence. between the gaudy sleeve garters and the cartoonish AKs it also proves that they can't draw and have no sense of fashion! One of the flags that I won in my own version of capture the flag today during an Arab riot. (Yes I know it's backwards. Just my own way of showing my disrespect) How do you think I should defile it before I burn it?

The Ashaf or PLO flag shows the entire map of Israel (not excluding Judea, Samaria, and Gaza) in green, with two Kalashnikov AK rifles and a grenade. Underneath the drawing it reads "Fatah: the National Liberation Movement of Palestine". So it dispels the myth that the conflict between the PLO and Israel is over lands liberated in the 1967 Six Day War. In their own words it's over Israel’s very existence. between the gaudy sleeve garters and the cartoonish AKs it also proves that they can't draw and have no sense of fashion! One of the flags that I won in my own version of capture the flag today during an Arab riot. (Yes I know it's backwards. Just my own way of showing my disrespect) How do you think I should defile it before I burn it? via DoubleTapper http://ift.tt/1zgufFd

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