29 August 2015

CJ Grisham for Texas Senate District 24 Ever notice how a lot of politicians claim to want to seal the border without giving you specifics about how they'd do it? Here's my plan for dealing with illegal immigrants: 1) No access to public services. 2) No public school access. 3) No in-state tuition. 4) No driver license or state issued ID card. 5) No welfare and no food stamps. 6) No access to public housing. 7) Zero access to taxpayer services, programs, or agencies. 8) Withhold state funds from sanctuary cities and fine elected local officials who don't repeal these policies within 90 days. 9) Work with other states to do the same. 10) Abolish mandatory handgun licenses so Texans can more easily defend themselves against the murderers, rapists, robbers, and terrorists sneaking into this country. With the money saved, equip, train, and mobilize our Texas State Guard and militias and send them to the border. Make Texas so unfriendly and hostile to illegals, they won't WANT to come here. Some may say this plan is heartless, but it is THEIR choice to sneak across the border and put themselves in such a situation. If you want to know which candidates truly care about combating illegal immigration, ask if they support this policy. If not, it's all talk. Please help me implement this plan by helping me get into the Senate with a donation at www.cjgrisham.com

Ever notice how a lot of politicians claim to want to seal the border without giving you specifics about how they'd do it? Here's my plan for dealing with illegal immigrants: 1) No access to public services. 2) No public school access. 3) No in-state tuition. 4) No driver license or state issued ID card. 5) No welfare and no food stamps. 6) No access to public housing. 7) Zero access to taxpayer services, programs, or agencies. 8) Withhold state funds from sanctuary cities and fine elected local officials who don't repeal these policies within 90 days. 9) Work with other states to do the same. 10) Abolish mandatory handgun licenses so Texans can more easily defend themselves against the murderers, rapists, robbers, and terrorists sneaking into this country. With the money saved, equip, train, and mobilize our Texas State Guard and militias and send them to the border. Make Texas so unfriendly and hostile to illegals, they won't WANT to come here. Some may say this plan is heartless, but it is THEIR choice to sneak across the border and put themselves in such a situation. If you want to know which candidates truly care about combating illegal immigration, ask if they support this policy. If not, it's all talk. Please help me implement this plan by helping me get into the Senate with a donation at www.cjgrisham.com CJ Grisham for Texas Senate District 24 Would this work?

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