12 November 2015

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) Mufti of Hebron District Muhammad Maher Maswadah: The Holocaust Was Caused by the Jews' Aggression and Corruption. To view this video-clip on the MEMRI TV website, go to: http://ift.tt/1HBMiMO. On November 8, Muhammad Maher Maswadah, the Mufti of the Hebron district, said on the Lebanese Al-Quds TV: "What burned the Jews in Germany was their injustice, their aggression, and their sowing of corruption, as well as their very nature."

Mufti of Hebron District Muhammad Maher Maswadah: The Holocaust Was Caused by the Jews' Aggression and Corruption. To view this video-clip on the MEMRI TV website, go to: http://ift.tt/1HBMiMO. On November 8, Muhammad Maher Maswadah, the Mufti of the Hebron district, said on the Lebanese Al-Quds TV: "What burned the Jews in Germany was their injustice, their aggression, and their sowing of corruption, as well as their very nature." The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) WTF? Seriously!!!!

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