22 November 2015

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) Egyptian Journalist: The West Is Plotting Sykes-Picot II to Establish the Jewish State. To view this video-clip on the MEMRI TV website, go to: http://ift.tt/1I4yOcp. Interviewed on the Egyptian Assema TV channel on November 10, 2015, Samia Zein Al-Abideen, Editor-in-Chief of the Al-Messa daily, said that there was a conspiracy under way against Egypt and that the U.S. was plotting with five European countries to establish a Jewish state through "Sykes-Picot II."

Egyptian Journalist: The West Is Plotting Sykes-Picot II to Establish the Jewish State. To view this video-clip on the MEMRI TV website, go to: http://ift.tt/1I4yOcp. Interviewed on the Egyptian Assema TV channel on November 10, 2015, Samia Zein Al-Abideen, Editor-in-Chief of the Al-Messa daily, said that there was a conspiracy under way against Egypt and that the U.S. was plotting with five European countries to establish a Jewish state through "Sykes-Picot II." The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) What do you think she's smoking in?

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