09 January 2016

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) Al-Azhar Professor Suad Saleh: In a Legitimate War, Muslims Can Capture Slavegirls and Have Sex with Them (Archival) In a September 12, 2014 Fatwa show, Al-Azhar Professor of Theology Suad Saleh discussed the Islamic concept of "those whom you own." Speaking on Hayat TV, Professor Saleh said that Muslims who capture women in a legitimate war against their enemies may own them and have sex with them as slavegirls. "In order to humiliate them," Prof. Saleh said, "they become the property of the army commander, or of a Muslim, and he can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives." The video has been circulating in social media in recent days.

Al-Azhar Professor Suad Saleh: In a Legitimate War, Muslims Can Capture Slavegirls and Have Sex with Them (Archival) In a September 12, 2014 Fatwa show, Al-Azhar Professor of Theology Suad Saleh discussed the Islamic concept of "those whom you own." Speaking on Hayat TV, Professor Saleh said that Muslims who capture women in a legitimate war against their enemies may own them and have sex with them as slavegirls. "In order to humiliate them," Prof. Saleh said, "they become the property of the army commander, or of a Muslim, and he can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives." The video has been circulating in social media in recent days. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) WTF???? But she's a professor of Theology so she must know what she's talking about. Right????

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