18 April 2016

Monday 18th April 2016: Arab Terrorists Hurled Firebombs/Molotov Cocktails at Jewish Homes in East Jerusalem Neighborhood Ma'ale Ha-Zeitim. Residents of Ma'ale Ha-Zeitim complain that similar incidents happen almost daily... A video that has spread on Arab social networks shows Molotov cocktails being thrown (in addition to one of throwers being injured by a Molotov cocktail thrown by another Arab). The documentation of these incidents by Arabs demonstrates that they are organized. Throwing Molotov cocktails lasts five seconds. They succeeded in capturing those moments on a camera, which means photographer is one of them.

Monday 18th April 2016: Arab Terrorists Hurled Firebombs/Molotov Cocktails at Jewish Homes in East Jerusalem Neighborhood Ma'ale Ha-Zeitim. Residents of Ma'ale Ha-Zeitim complain that similar incidents happen almost daily... A video that has spread on Arab social networks shows Molotov cocktails being thrown (in addition to one of throwers being injured by a Molotov cocktail thrown by another Arab). The documentation of these incidents by Arabs demonstrates that they are organized. Throwing Molotov cocktails lasts five seconds. They succeeded in capturing those moments on a camera, which means photographer is one of them. via DoubleTapper http://ift.tt/1pakbvw

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