30 June 2016

Update: Arab terrorist infiltrated Kiryat Arba Israel, entered a home and stabbed and killed a 13 year old girl in her bed. Details: 13 year old Kiryat Arba resident, Hillel Yafa Ariel, was sound asleep in her bed, 17-year-old Arab Terrorist Mohammed Taraireh from the nearby Arab village of Bani Na'im managed to breach the security fence. The Arab Terrorist burst into the bedroom and stabbed her numerous times in her upper body. A 31 year old resident, and member of the CERT (volunteer community emergency response team) was stabbed when he intervened, but managed to shoot and kill the terrorist. Both of the wounded Israelis were quickly loaded into an ambulance and life saving efforts were initiated. Please keep this murdered child in your thoughts today.

Update: Arab terrorist infiltrated Kiryat Arba Israel, entered a home and stabbed and killed a 13 year old girl in her bed. Details: 13 year old Kiryat Arba resident, Hillel Yafa Ariel, was sound asleep in her bed, 17-year-old Arab Terrorist Mohammed Taraireh from the nearby Arab village of Bani Na'im managed to breach the security fence. The Arab Terrorist burst into the bedroom and stabbed her numerous times in her upper body. A 31 year old resident, and member of the CERT (volunteer community emergency response team) was stabbed when he intervened, but managed to shoot and kill the terrorist. Both of the wounded Israelis were quickly loaded into an ambulance and life saving efforts were initiated. Please keep this murdered child in your thoughts today. via DoubleTapper http://ift.tt/296BQPq

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