21 December 2016

NY Daily News writer who got “PTSD” from firing rifle is now defending terrorism The man who was shamed for his extremely biased anti-gun article about how shooting an "assault rifle" gave him a "temporary form of PTSD" has published his most controversial op-ed to date. The New York Daily News writer, Gersh Kuntzman, published an op-...

The man who was shamed for his extremely biased anti-gun article about how shooting an "assault rifle" gave him a "temporary form of PTSD" has published his most controversial op-ed to date. The New York Daily News writer, Gersh Kuntzman, published an op-... NY Daily News writer who got “PTSD” from firing rifle is now defending terrorism The Kuntzman is back. Now he's advocating terrorism. The Kuntzman said “Karlov’s job in Turkey was to ease tensions over Russia’s atrocities in Syria and its incursions inside Turkey itself — meaning his job was to enable and normalize Vladimir Putin. Given that role, he wasn’t a diplomat, but a soldier, and his death is the same whether it came on a battlefield outside Aleppo or in an art gallery in Ankara. His killer was also a soldier — not a terrorist, mind you, but a soldier. Terrorists kill innocent people with trucks in Christmas markets or with planes in skyscrapers. Soldiers kill their fellow soldiers.” The Kuntzman even went as far as saying, “frankly, I’m surprised his murder didn’t come months ago.” The Kuntzman compared Russia’s involvement in Syria to that of the Nazi’s genocide of Jews during WWII: “After watching the death of Karlov, I could not help but remember the case of Ernst vom Rath, the Nazi ambassador to France, who was gunned down inside his consulate by a Jewish student in 1938.” The Kuntzman concluded his praise of Karlov’s assassin by posing the question of whether or not history will “vindicate Mevlut Mert Altintas, Karlov’s assassin?” Who knew he could be such an incredible Kuntzman?

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