22 August 2017

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) Jordan Friday Sermon by Sheikh Omar Ibrahim 'Adi: Barcelona Attack Fabricated by West, Like 9/11 During a Friday sermon delivered at the Osama Ibn Zayd Mosque in Amman, Jordan, Sheikh Omar Ibrahim 'Adi said that the "Barcelona Raid" was planned by the West in order to set Islam back by 20 years. "They see that Europe is being invaded by Islam. So what do they do? They get someone to carry out a 'heroic' attack here and there," he said. Sheikh 'Adi further said that the West propagated the "lie about 9/11." "The Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11," he said. "9/11 was set up… in order to deal a blow to Islam." The sermon was posted on the "Amer Movies" account on YouTube on August 18.

Jordan Friday Sermon by Sheikh Omar Ibrahim 'Adi: Barcelona Attack Fabricated by West, Like 9/11 During a Friday sermon delivered at the Osama Ibn Zayd Mosque in Amman, Jordan, Sheikh Omar Ibrahim 'Adi said that the "Barcelona Raid" was planned by the West in order to set Islam back by 20 years. "They see that Europe is being invaded by Islam. So what do they do? They get someone to carry out a 'heroic' attack here and there," he said. Sheikh 'Adi further said that the West propagated the "lie about 9/11." "The Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11," he said. "9/11 was set up… in order to deal a blow to Islam." The sermon was posted on the "Amer Movies" account on YouTube on August 18. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) So it's all your fault??? The Libtards will probably agree...

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