20 December 2015

I Love Freedom WATCH: What kind of sick culture would HERO WORSHIP a child murderer? This is the hero's welcome the Hezbollah leader and thousands of followers gave Samir Qantar in 2008. Israel dispatched Qantar to hell today. In 1979, Qantar murdered an Israeli father in front of his daughter. Then he smashed the four-year-old girl's head open on a rock and killed her. (story here: goo.gl/1LzHoL) Watch this video to see the sick culture of terror worship. And share it because the MEDIA ISN'T TELLING US HOW SICK THE JIHAD CULTURE IS.

WATCH: What kind of sick culture would HERO WORSHIP a child murderer? This is the hero's welcome the Hezbollah leader and thousands of followers gave Samir Qantar in 2008. Israel dispatched Qantar to hell today. In 1979, Qantar murdered an Israeli father in front of his daughter. Then he smashed the four-year-old girl's head open on a rock and killed her. (story here: goo.gl/1LzHoL) Watch this video to see the sick culture of terror worship. And share it because the MEDIA ISN'T TELLING US HOW SICK THE JIHAD CULTURE IS. I Love Freedom

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