A friend sent me pictures of Saddam's pimped out guns
Some of them are so pimped out I don't recognize them.
Help me label them.
Browning Hi Power


Suppressed MP5 SD3



AK 47

AK 47


"these are gold and platinum guns from Saddam's armory, these weapons are priceless and were never fired."
The engraving says,
"a gift to the leader Saddam Hussein, president of the Iraqi Republic."
تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس
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The top one looks like a Browning High Power 9mm, NOT a Colt 1911.
The other unknown looks like a modern variant on the US M3 "grease gun" in .45.
B Woodman
I admit, I like the Browning Hi-Power. I'd never carry it but it'd be a nice display piece.
The one you have tentatively identified as a Sten is actually a Sterling submachine gun.
And the other unidentified submachine gun is a Beretta M12.
Also, to be completely pedantic, the rifle you have identified as a Dragunov is actually an Iraqi Al Kadesih rifle. You can tell by the little palm tree-shaped stamping on the magazine. Read the following article to learn what makes it different from an SVD.
I like this game.
The unknown above the Dragunov is a Browning PM12S.
The ?? I believe is a Beretta Model 12 SMG.
I do believe the one with a ? is a Beretta Sub Gun,,,,
The unknown one is a Beretta PM 12
Also, that's not a Sten, it's a Sterling.
looks to be a Beretta Pm12 smg.
The unknown SMG under the suppressed MP5 looks like a Beretta PM12
A man who'd do that to honest firearms oughta be hanged.
Oh, right.
The Unknown is a Beretta M12. 9x19mm Parabellum blowback SMG.
Also the other SMG is not a STEN, it is a British Sterling. 9x19mm Parabellum.
The ?? is a Beretta Model 12 also made under licence in Brazil and Indonesia.
#2 is a Sterling SMG, not a Sten.
The unknown is a Beretta PM 12S.
#2 is a Sterling SMG.
#5 is a Beretta SMG.
Those are really tacky looking.
Oh come on....
What one of us, if we had the money, wouldn't want one of those.
I mean I'd totally love a gold plated gun just to flaunt it in the faces of the Brady Bunch.
And honestly, it'd probably pay for itself in mere rentals to rap artists to feature in their videos and album covers.
I expect to see these guns on Ebay by dinnertime!
Here's the missing one, I'll let you figure out which morph it is.
I gotta say, what's the point of such cool guns if you never shoot them?
The ?? SMG is a Beretta M12.
The MP5K is not Iraqi, it was purchased by an unidentified client out of Kuwait if I recall.
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