Her Blog began with, "Starting from a very young age, Israeli boys (and girls) know that they are destined to go to the army. It's part of how they grow up, where they are headed, who they will become..."
She is an Israeli Soldier's Mother. She writes a heartfelt blog of what it's like to send her son's to the IDF for their required 3 years of military service.
Her eldest son has just completed his third year and she wrote, "Tonight, I close my eyes and will sleep deep and with the normal fears of a normal mother. I have no sons on the borders of Israel, none at a checkpoint or deep in the desert."
On her son's miliray service she wrote, "I wish as a soldier's mother there was someone I could thank for the gift they have given to my son. In making him a soldier, they have made him a better, stronger, healthier, smarter man. I gave them a boy, much loved and handsome. He was smart, they made him smarter. He was too quick to anger, they taught him discipline. He was always analytical, they taught him to think. I gave them a beautiful boy, they return to me an amazing man."
There's lot's more at IsraeliSoldiersMother
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