12 July 2015

GOVERNMENT ARRESTING PEOPLE FOR ANTI-OBAMA FACEBOOK POSTS! Wikimedia Commons This article will make you angry. The US Government is actively seeking those who criticize government, specifically Barack Obama, and arresting them without charging them. They are remanded to mental health institutions where they are given &qout;training&qout; on how to view the…

Wikimedia Commons This article will make you angry. The US Government is actively seeking those who criticize government, specifically Barack Obama, and arresting them without charging them. They are remanded to mental health institutions where they are given &qout;training&qout; on how to view the… GOVERNMENT ARRESTING PEOPLE FOR ANTI-OBAMA FACEBOOK POSTS! It looks like I'll be arrested soon. Who's coming to visit me in the gulag? http://ift.tt/1w3MFnN

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