19 May 2008

Second Amendment Blog Bash

Why I'd love to go, and why you should attend.

For me to meet and spend the weekend (May 15-18) getting to know other Gun bloggers would be really cool. I read their blogs daily, feel like I know them, but have never met them.

When I first heard about the Second Amendment Blog Bash, I signed up as a possible attendee.

More than 70,000 gun enthusiasts are expected to attend the NRA convention.

Mayor Jerry Abramson said the city and its hotels, restaurants and stores stand to get an economic boost of $15 million to $20 million from the gathering.

What it's all about.

Who's Scheduled to attend:

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Someone should organize a survivalist bloggers gathering. That would be rad. Congrats on Israel turnign 60!


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