تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس
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This year, the Muslim holiday of Ashura fell on December 27. Ashura (عاشوراء (ʻĀshūrā’, Ashura, Ashoura, and other spellings) is on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar and marks the climax of the Remembrance of Muharram.
It is commemorated by Shia Muslims as a day of mourning for the martyrdom of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad at the Battle of Karbala on 10 Muharram in the year 61 AH (October 10, 680 AD). According to Sunni Muslim tradition, the Prophet Muhammad fasted on this day and asked other people to fast.; Sunni Muslims also celebrate the day claiming that Moses fasted on that day to express gratitude to God for liberating the Israelites from Egypt.
In some Shia countries and regions such as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, Bahrain, Commemoration of Husayn ibn Ali has become a national holiday and most ethnic and religious communities participate in it. Even in Sunni dominated Muslim community of India, Ashura (often called Moharram) is a public holiday.
تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس
I just got the word that my Counter Terrorism Team will be shooting on Friday! This should be a good chance for me to take the FAB Defense case from Zahal.org with me to the range and get some feedback from the Team.
تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس
I'd like your opinions on this, please post a comment.
The Obama administration yesterday demanded the Israeli government explain why its military eliminated three terrorists in an operation this past Saturday.
Over the weekend, three terrorists, all members of PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ U.S.-trained and funded "Fatah security forces" were killed in an Israeli raid intended to arrest the suspects upon information that they killed an Israeli civilian last Thursday. According to the Israel Defense Forces, the three Fatah terrorists were heavily armed and refused to surrender to the Israeli soldiers.
Israel had information that all three were responsible for the terrorist shooting of Rabbi Meir Hai, a 40-year-old Jewish teacher and father of seven, who was murdered on a road near his home in an area where Israel giving in to pressure from the Obama administration, had recently lifted a roadblock restricting Arab movement.
Ballistic tests carried out on a weapon found inside the terrorists’ apartment later confirmed the gun was used in the shooting of Rabbi Hai.
According to the IDF, the three terrorists killed in the raid Saturday refused to surrender. They were carrying weapons and ammunition. One of the terrorists, identified as Fatah member Adnan Subuh, had on his body a handgun, two American M-16’s and a large amount of ammunition. The other two terrorists were Fatah members Raad Sarkaji and Ghassan Abu Shreikh.
According to Israeli diplomatic sources, senior Obama administration officials yesterday demanded that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s National Security Adviser, Uzi Arad, explain to them how the Fatah terrorists were killed on Saturday.
Any thoughts?
Homeland Security,
Homeland Security,
IDF Marksman training is a 1-2 week course that teaches the basics of range-determination, fast-fire cover, and shooting (day and night, prone and kneeling for the most part).
IDF Sniping is a 3-4 week course. The weapon used is the M24 with a Leupold Mark 4 10x40mm LR/T M3 scope. This course tries to apply some understanding of the greater role of a sniper (camouflage, tactics, independent/small unit action). It includes recon basics, long range fire support, range-determination, target mapping, target determination, and an understanding of the sniping system (including tripods, bipods, no-pod, prone, sitting, kneeling, day and night shooting).
IDF Weapons,
IDF Weapons,