Do you have the skills needed to run a Terror Training Camp?
Run a terrorism and counter-insurgency course?
Run a terrorism and counter-insurgency course?
You'll need to be able to teach classes on: Islamic names and kunyas, radical Islam religions, selection and logistics of getting to a terrorist training camp, salat, and its role in the camps, roots of the global movement, inside al-Qaeda and their 11 year war, cell recruitment and internal security, evolution of Jihadists, targeted assassinations, historic attacks in the Middle-East, background behind the 2005 London bombings, Arab society and mindset, suicide bombings and attacks, and lessons learned from over 30 years of terrorism.
The US government is looking for a contractor to setup and run a Terror Training Camp.
From: Https://

2. Within each terrorist cell, students should be assigned functions that they will role play throughout the week. Cell Adviser should be immersed with the cell throughout training and provide insight and guidance as the cell plans and executes terrorist planning and attacks. The primary focus of the instruction should be on the six stage Target Attack Cycle; (1) target selection, (2) planning, (3) deployment, (4) attack, (5) escape, and (6) exploitation. Cells should conduct casing, surveillance, planning, and logistics to execute the following types of operations: ambushes, IED attacks, assassinations from nontraditional vehicles, dealing with black-marketeers, customs within a camp (including salat), kidnapping, military council briefing, and other exercises.
3. During the course students should be exposed to worldwide terrorist ideology specifically: Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. In addition to operational planning exercises, Contractor should present lessons on: Islamic names and kunyas, radical Islam religions, selection and logistics of getting to a terrorist training camp, salat, and its role in the camps, roots of the global movement, inside al-Qaeda and their 11 year war, cell recruitment and internal security, evolution of Jihadists, targeted assassinations, historic attacks in the Middle-East, background behind the 2005 London bombings, Arab society and mindset, suicide bombings and attacks, and lessons learned from over 30 years of terrorism.
4. In addition, the course should replicate the customs and culture that would take place in a terrorist training camp, to include training at a remote location and serving a Middle Eastern meal. Students should be provided with
traditional salwar kameezes and shimaghs during the course and sleep on cots in tents. (each cell in a different tent).
5. In addition, the Contractor will provide a two hour period of instruction on the terrorist operational cycle to the Officers and Staff Non-Commissioned Officers of the Battalion.
6. Cost of the course to include salwar kameezes, shimaghs, speaker fees, course handbooks, and relevant books and reading material.
7. Instruction and practical application of skills learned will be executed aboard Camp Pendleton.
8. Training is to be conducted 21-26 January 2008.
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